Femme False Teeth


by Peggy (25-E-1)

Because teeth are the one item of facial anatomy not changed during the process of femme preparation TRANSVESTIA followers may think that a conscientious program of using Crest is enough. I thought so, too. But between my brother's nasty habit of chewing Muriel cigars to bits, a loose upper incisor bridge, and some terribly unattractive canines and bicuspids, I was re- cently faced with the matter of false teeth.

Denture plates? Partial plates? Or crown restora- tions? Are teeth asexual; or is there a difference be- tween male and female teeth? Should you confess your femme dressing to your dentist? If so, how and when?


These were just a few of the questions I desperately needed answers for. My horror at the thought of massive tooth extractions and my fear over later changes in facial expression ruled out denture plates beautiful as they are. Partials? Well... But how about crowns?


A letter to a nearby university teaching dentistry not only supplied some answers about crown restorations, but got me in touch with a young dental instructor who practiced on a limited basis. My letter had mentioned "Hollywood Teeth" and it was easy to explain that I did "impersonations" on an amateur basis. In this way I


was lucky enough to justify my intense esthetic desires and set the stage for later revealing the full extent of my impersonations.




The immediate problem was financial "caps", are costly. But the more I learned about these "porcelain-covered, gold-lined, hollow corn kernels", the more I fell in love with them. "Living false teeth",